Another feather in the cap of GCA
Library. This time, its electronic resources in visual arts. It is a database
With the great support of
the worthy Principal Ma’am, the college library has subscribed to this database.
The database is accessible through user Ids and passwords.
Content Includes:
• Full-text articles from more than
160 active full-text, periodicals
• Indexing and abstracts for more
than 680 periodicals, including nearly 370 peer-reviewed journals
• Indexing and abstracts for more
than 14,000 art dissertations
• Indexing of more than 228,000 art
• Full-text coverage dating back to
The faculty has been provided with user IDs
and passwords for remote access. The link for reaching the EBSCO host is:,uid&custid=ns296338&groupid=main&profile=ehost
The database will be highly beneficial for finding
scholarly information on various aspects of art and aesthetics including art
For any further query, please contact the Librarian