Thursday, December 17, 2020

Kala Ke Praneta


Another important book of our library in digital form. It is a rare book titled “Kala Ke Praneta” by Shachirani Gurtu in the Hindi language published by India Publishing House, Bombay in 1969. A nicely composed volume of 862 pages covering Indian artists. The author has tried to study the changes and current trends in Indian art at that time. Her comprehensive coverage of artists from all over India giving due importance to the eminent artists is appreciable. The book was written in 1969 when computers were not in use by the authors for writing in India, the hard work of the author is fascinating.

Importance for students: The students of BFA 7th semester and other classes who want to read in Hindi about Indian artists enlisted in their syllabi look for this book. For their ease, I am sharing here the link for this book in pdf form.


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